Artist Statement

Artist Statement

I am interested in dialogues as a manifestation of the encounter between the invisible, the
tangible and the space between them.
Dialogues create narration. I observe and listen to these dialogues, these stories, witness
them and translate them into shapes and colours.
I move between intimate narratives and dialogues with substances looking for an essence.
Clay is a medium which first represents in its primitive nature the plasticity of the mind
which creates inner worlds and after gives them a material manifestation.
In my ceramic practice I alternate different techniques and diverse theoretical approaches
because every Clay in its own nature brings a meaning and a diversity similarly a diverse
building technique or firing.
Now I use mainly two different clay bodies, earthenware and porcelain, so different in their
material quality to clearly represent the difference in subjectivities and their possible
encounter, dialogue and communication. When two opposites come together and are
made to coexist, a dialogue is set in motion at a fundamental level.