

I work in a mainly international circuit, I have a lot of experience with young people of university age because I have been teaching for over twenty -four years in a private university, but I have also worked in Italy with middle school children and a lot with adults both in Italy and abroad, also thanks to a collaboration that has lasted for 30 years with La Meridiana International School of Ceramics based in Certaldo, on the road between Florence and Siena. The encounter between different cultures and ages is for me a source of richness and inspiration of inestimable value. It was precisely at La Meridiana that I was asked several times to specialize in a technique so as to be able to offer it within their school program, this request gave me reason for reflection in the search for the talent that I must surely have developed in all these years of study, research, and activity. The answer is that I know how to help people to open up to creativity, I know how to guide them in the creative process, and I help them to realize projects that are authentically born within them. This is an extremely fascinating path that has motivated me with passion for all these years and that I apply at different levels of preparation and interest.